‘Alpine Artists Exhibition’
Paintings, photographs, 3-Dimensional work and jewellery
Entry open to all artist members of the Bright Art Gallery
2021-22 SUMMER Entry Form Bright Art Gallery
‘Celebration’ is an exhibition of contemporary bespoke glass works by the Gaspies Glass group from Melbourne. 10 Artists: Judy Rodsted-Wood, Barb Jorgensen, Bob Pride, Carole Kernohan, Debbie Wennrich, Marianne Bradman, Tracy Andrews, Stephen Guest, Lucy Cleary, Michelle Guest.
Judy states “We all share a love of working with glass. Our glass work results from a sense of discovery, interpretation of form and use of various colour palettes and techniques. In Celebration, each glass artist has used the unique qualities and characteristics of glass to put their own spin on working with glass in interesting ways. During the Victorian COVID lockdown we focused on art as therapy, helping to see us through these difficult times.”
“Alpine Artists” will feature paintings, photographs and 3d works from many members of the Bright Art Gallery and Cultural Centre.